1. Local WebServer seperti XAMPP , AppServ , WAMP
1. Aplikasi Gammu, saya memakai OS Windows karena kebanyakan orang pakai Sistem Operasi ini
2. Modem Plug n Play (Modem GSM,Modem CDMA)
3. Sebuah kartu GSM/CDMA yang sudah terisi pulsa ( kalau tidak ada pulsa mau ngapain?
4. Sedikit mengetahui pemrograman PHP
Hanya itu? ya benar, hanya itu saja yang diperlukan.
Berikut modul step by step nya :
pertama ini, saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara installasi Local WebServer . Saya memakai XAMPP untuk Local WebServer nya. Apa fungsi Aplikasi Tersebut ? Local WebServer berfungsi untuk menjalankan perintah PHP dan MySQL (Database)
Download Aplikasi XAMPP
(versi terbaru saat artikel ini dibuat adalah 1.81 )
Setelah di download, jalankan XAMPP Setup, Jika Parental Control masih aktif , anda bisa menonaktifkan fitur tersebut atau klik kanan Setup tersebut Run As Administrator

Pilih komponen yang akan diinstall, rekomendasikan pilihan saya ini, karena kita akan menginstall komponen yang seperlunya saja

Install komponen Apache,MySQL,PHP,Perl dan PhpMyAdmin dan klik Next
Pilih folder installasi , rekomendasikan juga di C:\xampp

Uncheck Learn More about BitNami for Xampp

Setelah anda menginstall xampp , maka untuk password defaul MySQL adalah :
username : root
password : (kosong)
Tes Local WebServer bekerja apa tidak
Buka browser (firefox/opera/chrome) lalu ketikkan http://localhost
Jika Local WebServer bekerja maka ditampilkan halaman ini

Install Service Xampp agar berjalan pada startup Windows. Fungsinya agar tidak susah payah menjalankan xampp.
Klik Start Windows (bawah kiri Windows ) cari dan klik submenu Xampp 1.8.1 pilih XAMPP Control Panel

2. Check Module Service Apache dan MySQL
3. Klik Start Actions Apache dan MySQL kembali
Keterangan : Jika anda memiliki installasi Local WebServer lainnya yang terinstall pada Port 80, maka disable terlebih dahulu atau uninstall sekalian 3:)
Selesai, Xampp akan berjalan otomatis saat Windows Start
Download gammu untuk Windows 32 atau 64 Bit ( Jika Windows anda versi 64 Bit maka ada folder pada C:\program files (x86) ).

Saya mendownload versi minimal , saat artikel ini dibuat versi gammu 1.33.0
Buat sebuah folder smsku pada c:\xamp\htdocs

Buka file gammu yang didowload tadi dengan winrar atau tools compression lainnya. Klik folder bin pada file gammu zip tersebut, lalu copy gammu yang di dowload tadi ke dalam folder smsku dengan menseleksi semua filenya dan drag ke folder smsku

Ok guys, kita udah sampai setengah jalan untuk membuat aplikasi sms gateway dengan gammu dan php
Setelah 2 artikel sebelumnya, sekarang saya akan memberikan artikel konfigurasi gammu.
Ayo,modem USB dan kartu perdana GSM/CDMA tadi mana? apa sudah registrasi kartunya dan diisi pulsa? Jika sudah colokin Modem USB ke USB komputer, dan install paket drivernya
Di sini saya memakai Modem USB Advance
Cari port modem usb
Jika modem usb sudah terinstall dengan benar, maka buka Control Panel -> Device Manager

Buka kategori modem, nah di sana ada berbagai macam driver modem. Jika anda tidak tahu modem usb mana yang tertera pada kategori modem tersebut, copot lagi modem dan pasang lagi. Nah device manager otomatis refresh list driver modem nya. Tahu maksud saya kan? :D
Modem USB saya di sini Global Wireless USB Modem, klik kanan dan klik properties. Klik tab modem

Modem saya menggunakan Port COM9 dan Maximum Port Speed 921600. Jadi untuk konfigurasi jenis koneksi/speed maximum modem begini :
at = maximum speed 921600
at115200 = maximum speed 115200
Membuat file Konfigurasi
Sekarang masuk ke folder c:\xampp\htdocs\smsku
Buka notepad dan tulis :
# isikan port modem USB di bawah ini
port = COM9:
# isikan jenis connection di bawah ini
connection = at
simpan dengan nama gammurc (tidak pakai extension)
Buat database untuk gammu
Buka browser dan ketik (1)http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Klik (2)Database, Buat sebuah database (3) smskudb dan klik (4)Create

Buka kembali file gammu yang di download tadi, buka folder share -> doc -> gammu -> examples -> sql

Lalu import script mysql.sql dengan membuka http://localhost/phpmyadmin dan klik database smskudb, klik import . Klik browse, masuk folder smsku dan pilih mysql.sql dan klik Done

Buat konfigurasi database gammu
Buka notepad dan ketik :
# isikan port modem USB di bawah ini
port = COM9:
# isikan jenis connection di bawah ini
connection = at
service = mysql
logfile = smsdlog
debuglevel = 0
# Inisial modem
phoneid = Server1
commtimeout = 10
sendtimeout = 10
PIN = 1234
pc = localhost
# isikan user untuk akses ke MySQL (xampp default root)
user = root
# isikan password user untuk akses ke MySQL (xampp defaul null )
password =
# isikan nama database untuk Gammu
database = smskudb
Lalu simpan dengan nama smsdrc
Tes koneksi modem
Buka command prompt/cmd ketikkan seperti gambar

Install Services Gammu agar jalan otomatis saat Windows Startup
Buka command prompt/cmd dan ketikkan

Menulis kode kirim sms dengan php
Buka folder c:\xampp\htdocs\smsku. Buat sebuah file kirimsms.php lalu tulis kode berikut :
<form method="post">
<label>No HP Format +62xxxxxxx </label>
<input type="text" name="nohp">
<input type="text" name="pesan">
<input type="submit" name="button" value="Kirim">
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO outbox (DestinationNumber,
TextDecoded) VALUES ('".$_POST['nohp']."', '".$_POST['pesan']."')");
echo "<script>alert('Sukses kirim sms')</script>";
Keterangan :Membuat form kirim pesan
<form method="post">
<label>No HP Format +62xxxxxxx </label>
<input type="text" name="nohp">
<input type="text" name="pesan">
<input type="submit" name="button" value="Kirim">
Jika tombol Kirim diklik
Buat koneksi database, masih ingat bukan tutorial installasi Local WebServer ? mysql_connect fungsi php untuk mengkoneksikan sebuah server database mysql_connect(nama server,user database,password database), mysql_select_db fungsi php untuk memanggil database
Query SQL atau bisa dikatakan perintah untuk MySQL Database. Lihat kembali http://localhost/phpmyadmin lalu pilih database smskudb, maka ada tabel outbox, nah tabel outbox tersebut diperintah untuk diiskan
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO outbox (DestinationNumber,
TextDecoded) VALUES ('".$_POST['nohp']."', '".$_POST['pesan']."')");
Jika query sql telah dijalankan, maka keluarkan output peringatan, kita sedikit menggunakan kode javascript :)
echo "<script>alert('Sukses kirim sms')</script>";
Nah mudah bukan?tahap finalnya, setelah bisa mengirimkan sms. Sekarang kita akan membuat auto reply sms nya. Contoh Format REG#Nama#Tanggal#Jenis Kelamin#Alamat
Membuat kode auto reply sms
Masuk ke folder c:\xampp\htdocs\smsku dan buat sebuah file autoreply.php , ketikkan kode sebagai berikut:
$query = "SELECT * FROM inbox WHERE Processed = 'false'";
$hasil = mysql_query($query);
while($data= mysql_fetch_array($hasil)){
$id = $data['ID'];
$noPengirim = $data['SenderNumber'];
$msg = strtoupper($data['TextDecoded']);
$pecah = explode("#",$msg);
if($pecah[1] !="" and $pecah[2] !="" and $pecah[3] !="")
$today = date("Ymd");
$tgl=date("d M Y");
$newDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($d_tgl));
$isinyo="Nomor ".$noPengirim." Nama ".$d_nama." JenisKel ".$d_jk." Alamat ".$d_alamat;
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO outbox (DestinationNumber,
TextDecoded) VALUES ('".$noPengirim."', '".$isinyo."')");
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO outbox (DestinationNumber,
TextDecoded, CreatorID) VALUES ('".$noPengirim."', 'Gagal Registrasi. Format : REG#Tanggal#Nama#PRIA/WANITA#Alamat')");
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO outbox (DestinationNumber,
TextDecoded) VALUES ('".$noPengirim."', 'Gagal Registrasi. Format : REG#Tanggal#Nama#PRIA/WANITA#Alamat')");
$query3 = "UPDATE inbox SET Processed = 'true' WHERE ID = '$id'";
Keterangan :Query Inbox , melakukan pencarian data inbox yang masuk dalam modem USB dan tabel inbox
$query = "SELECT * FROM inbox WHERE Processed = 'false'";
$hasil = mysql_query($query);
Looping data inbox
while($data= mysql_fetch_array($hasil)){
Membuat variabel untuk record data inbox
$id = $data['ID'];
$noPengirim = $data['SenderNumber'];
$msg = strtoupper($data['TextDecoded']);
Membagi format berdasarkan karaktek #
$pecah = explode("#",$msg);
Jadi $d_nama adalah isi dari format sms NAMA yang dikirimkanCek format SMS pertama sekali adalah REG dan Cek semua format SMS
if($pecah[1] !="" and $pecah[2] !="" and $pecah[3] !="")
Konversi tanggal php ke mysql
$today = date("Ymd");
$tgl=date("d M Y");
$newDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($d_tgl));
Setelah terkirim, maka status inbox tersebut sudah terkirim "true"
$query3 = "UPDATE inbox SET Processed = 'true' WHERE ID = '$id'";
Ops, ini belum selesai. SMS Gateway tidak akan respon jika tidak ada eksekusi terlebih dahulu. Lalu bagaimana caranya ?
Buat sebuah bat script, buka notepad dan ketikkan :
C:\xampp\php\php -f C:\xampp\htdocs\smsku\autoreply.php
Simpan dengan nama daemon.bat (terserah mau apa namanya)Jadi,jika kita klik daemon.bat, maka semua sms pada tabel inbox yang statusnya false akan ter-kirim dengan sendirinya. Tapi apakah harus jalankan daemon.bat setiap kali?
Nah, ini yang jadi pertanyaan. Banyak orang memakai trigger mysql ataupun dengan memakai konfigurasi runonreceive pada gammu. Namun ada kendalanya
Dengan Trigger :
Format SMS tidak bisa dilakukan sesuka hati
Dengan runonreceive :
Terkadang saya mencoba malah tidak jalan
Solusi saya ya bikin aplikasi untuk menjalankan daemon.bat tersebut dengan Visual Basic hahaha..
Caranya mudah kok,tapi saya tidak menjelaskan dengan detail.
Buat sebuah project Visual Basic dan Masukkan Timer dengan Interval 1000 lalu masukkan script pada Timer :
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Shell daemon.bat, vbHide
End Sub
Lalu compile dan buat sebuah start up dengan menitipkan shortcut pada folder :
C:\Users\NAMAUSER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
boleh juga ini tipsnya gan, makasih yaa...
BalasHapussolder uap
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BalasHapusNice Content! Want to install Hardware in HP Envy 5055? here the few tips to follow Before you perform the HP Envy 5055 wireless setup, you must complete the hardware setup first. go to 123hp.com setup To get more information.In the first place, navigate to the ‘Wireless Settings’ on your printer control panel and select the ‘Wireless Setup Wizard’ option. Consequently, your printer will scan for available networks Select your wireless network from the list. And follow the instruction
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It is very easy to set up any HP printer. Download and install the HP printer software form 123.hp.com/setup. Make sure your internet connectivity is good to download a bigger software file. If you have internet issues, you can use the installation CD to install the printer software on your computer system. Once you initialize the installation process, follow the onscreen prompts vigilantly. The prompts will help you to get through the software setup. The printer will prompt you to choose the network connectivity type. Prefer the one which you have. You can reach out to us on our toll-free number +1-844-876-5110 if you have any issues regarding the HP printer setup.
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As we all know, Roku ( Roku.com/link ) is a popular online live streaming platform ( go roku.com/hdcp ) used by millions of consumers across the globe. The end user must follow these simple steps to activate the Roku device ( go.roku.com hdcp ) successfull . like ( hdcp roku ) | (hdcp error roku) | (Roku.com/link code ) | (roku.com/link activation code ). The activation process for different Roku models is the same. Activation is free of cost and users need not incur any cost. The user inserts power cable and switches on to charge up the device.
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BalasHapusInitially make all the connections properly. Connect your Roku to the wireless network. Then set all the initial setup to the TV. Enter the language that you prefer, connect your Roku to the wireless network by entering the password. Additionally, you need to create the Roku account to enjoy all the streaming on the Roku, for entering the activation code while creating the account visit Roku com link account.
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It would be pretty difficult to set up their HP Printer in a suitable way. The unprotected printer users may vary for generative instruction for the printer tool. That’s why; our technical engineers have fixed to advance a website i.e., hp officejet 100 mobile printer to give more information concerning HP Printer setup. So, if some users give access to this link, they will get to study how helpfully printers should be set up. Once the printer has effectively been set up also in a direct format, the users can flexibly print anything from their HP Printer system.
BalasHapusI want multiple printers for scanning and copying help. I have chosen to pick an HP printer. I am a new user of HP products, so I don’t know anything about its features and tasks. I need to start a multiple HP printer with the help of 123.hp.com/setup.I am using my knowledge to open it in the internet browser and type my model number. After this command, I am finishing the next technical procedure. At the center of the process, I am experiencing issues. So I am sharing this issue with you too, guys. Could anyone refer to the right way to set up an HP printer using hp envy 4502 setup
BalasHapusIt would be pretty difficult to set up their HP Printer in a suitable way. The unprotected printer users may vary for generative instruction for the printer tool. That’s why; our technical engineers have fixed to advance a website i.e., 123 hp officejetpro6230 to give more information concerning HP Printer setup. So, if some users give access to this link, they will get to study how helpfully printers should be set up. Once the printer has effectively been set up also in a direct format, the users can flexibly print anything from their HP Printer system.
BalasHapusIn the event that you are a client of HP printer and searching for a source that can give you definitive advances and documents for the setup of HP printer, mind me, you should visit windows image acquisition driver This is one step goal to find all the documents and driver applications related to all the HP printer models. Along with this, we have indicated here a good and easy process for hp printer setup. So for what reason would you say you are stopping? Hit the connection and appreciate top-tier printing results.
BalasHapusI want multiple printers for scanning and copying help. I have chosen to pick an HP printer. I am a new user of HP products, so I don’t know anything about its features and tasks. I need to start a multiple HP printer with the help of hp scanner driver download.I am using my knowledge to open it in the internet browser and type my model number. After this command, I am finishing the next technical procedure. At the center of the process, I am experiencing issues. So I am sharing this issue with you too, guys. Could anyone refer to the right way to set up an HP printer using hp scanner driver download
BalasHapusThe direct answer is certainly you can set up on your own. If you have just bought a new HP Printer and have no idea how to set it up. then you are at the right site 123.hp.com/setup.will assist you to set up your printer by providing step-by-step instruction which will make it appear as though a cake stroll to you. Just by going through the points, you will be able to set up your printer and get the printing started. further problems, feel comfortable to get in touch with us by calling on our 24x7 helpline customer support and the technician will solve your query.
BalasHapusDo you have an HP printer? It needs some software to improve the performance of the HP printer, like driver software, Webscan, scanner software, scan doctor. These all software are performing differently by respective works like scanning your hp printer performance, identifying the printer errors, checking ink cartridge level and also paper struck problems. So you need this type of software contact our website hp smart app (smart app, scan doctor, Webscan)
BalasHapusIn the event that you are a client of HP Envy Setup and searching for a source that can give you definitive advances and documents for the setup of HP Envy Setup, mind me, you should visit 123.hp.com/envy 5055. This is one step goal to find all the documents and driver applications related to all the HP Envy Setup models. Along with this, we have indicated here a good and easy process for hp printer setup. So for what reason would you say you are stopping? Hit the connection and appreciate top-tier printing results.
BalasHapusDo you met your hp printer offline because of any interrupted in wireless connection, disconnection printer receiver problem, printer not connected with the devices, so it may be very difficult or easy to fix based on their type of problem so feel free, we are here for fix your hp printer offline problem by well-experienced printer technician by through online session of our website hp officejet 100 mobile printer.
BalasHapusDo you have an HP printer? It needs some software to improve the performance of the hp printer, like driver software, Bluetooth driver, smart app, scanner software, scan doctor. These all software are performing differently by respective works like scanning your hp printer performance, identifying the printer errors, checking ink cartridge level and also paper struck problems. So you need this type of software contact our website hp scanner driver download (smart app, scan doctor, driver software, scanner software)
BalasHapusIn the event that you are a client of HP deskjet printer and searching for a source that can give you definitive advances and documents for the setup of HP deskjet printer, mind me, you should visit 123.hp.com. This is one step goal to find all the documents and driver applications related to all the HP printer models. Along with this, we have indicated here a good and easy process for hp deskjet printer setup. So for what reason would you say you are stopping? Hit the connection and appreciate top-tier printing results.
BalasHapusDo you have an HP printer? It needs some software to improve the performance of the HP printer, like driver software, Webscan, scanner software, scan doctor. These all software are performing differently by respective works like scanning your hp printer performance, identifying the printer errors, checking ink cartridge level and also paper struck problems. So you need this type of software contact our website HP DeskJet 2540 Scan
BalasHapusI want a wireless HP deskjet scanner for wireless printing favor. Wireless printing technology permits the users to print the files wirelessly simply. It makes users feel free and the best way to get the printout of any file easily. In the initial stage, I have opened 123. hp/setup in my special chrome browser and have typed the model number of my wireless printer in the shown box of 123.hp.com. After this process, I execute the show to finish the setup process. I am confronting issues in this process, so I need to take the unique help from an online technician. So anyone can assist me to set up an HP wireless deskjet scanner via HP DeskJet 2540 wireless setup.
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